Sowing the Seeds of Spring

Sowing the Seeds of Spring

Monday, December 6, 2010

Field Trip

On Thursday, November 9, the Kindergarten and First Grade will travel with William, Libby and Tracy to the Brattleboro Museum of Art to view exhibits and enjoy an art activity. We will leave school on the bus at 8:30 and arrive back in time for lunch. Check out the following link for more information about the current exhibits.
Greetings From the Kindergarten!

It's that time of year when the weeks fly by. Just today, as we marked the 61st day of school, the children were remarking that the school year is going by very fast. The K-4 Winter Concert is on Wednesday, December 15, at 6:30 p.m. Students should arrive at 6:15 and meet in our classroom. As I mentioned in a recent e-mail, the last day of school before the holiday break is Thursday, December 16, which is a half day with a noon dismissal. Over the next two weeks students will be part of some Grammar School traditions including seeing the Mummer's Play and taking part in the Secret Santa fun. Look for information at the end of the week about Secret Santa.

In the classroom, we have been learning about Haiti and The Dominican Republic, the subjects of our school-wide December theme study. These two countries are a bit hard to speak about with Kindergarten age children, given the extreme poverty, as well as the devastation and disease that has resulted from natural disasters. I have chosen to discuss aspects of the culture in terms of how we are similar and how we are different. We have talked about the languages spoken, the landscape of both countries, some of their holidays and traditions, and the foods. We have been reading some folk tales as well. On Wednesday, the mixed-age activities begin and students will travel with their buddies to work with different teachers on a variety of projects. I am curious to know what your children will take away from this study and what they will share with you at home. Please let me know.

I will continue to send home easy readers for your Kindergartener to read aloud with you. If you have any at home now, I ask that you send them back in, and I'll get together another packet for each student. If you have been able to log the times you have read together, please send that in as well. It's a great way for me to open up a discussion about reading at home, books they enjoyed, and if they are enjoying reading at home.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

All best,

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Greetings From the Kindergarten!

We have had a busy few weeks in the classroom. Students continue to learn letter formation and key word sounds. They are becoming more comfortable with sounding out letters to form words as they label their journal entries and pictures. Rhyming helps students listen for letter sounds and word families and we have learned a number of nursery rhymes and rhyming games. Ask your student to share some with you. We have also been playing rhyming and letter bingo.

I have been reading with individual students during silent reading time. As a result, students are interested in bringing home easy readers to read with you in the evenings. I will be sending home reading sheets with these books and ask that you help your student fill in the sheet and keep it in their reading folder. This helps give them a great sense of accomplishment when they see what they have read over time. It also has a spot for them to tell me if they liked the book, which allows them to begin to form opinions about stories. Look for these folders toward the end of the week.

We have been exploring numbers in a variety of ways - counting up to and down from twenty; learning about place value; and using language to compare numbers such as is equal to, is greater than, is less than, how many more, and how many less. Students have been making pattern block pictures and have been "taking a picture" using pattern block stickers.

Our unit on bats is winding down. We will begin a study of our families in the coming weeks. I will be sending home a short at-home project that will help launch this unit. We have also been discussing family traditions as the holidays approach.

On November 17, there will be a buddy activity that has become a holiday tradition and is part of our school's community service efforts. Students will put together Thanksgiving food baskets for those in need in the greater Putney community. In preparation for this we ask students to bring in food items to help fill the baskets. Kindergarten has been assigned to bring in two bags of stuffing per student. Then, on November 17 we will all gather and put the baskets together. Please plan to bring the stuffing bags in before the end of the week. I will collect them in the classroom. If you have any questions or are unable to do this please let me know.

After the Thanksgiving break, we will begin a school-wide study and community service project about the cultures and countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Students will learn about these cultures in the classroom and in mixed age groups as they work on a variety of hands-on projects and a service learning initiative.

The next two months are fun but busy ones at TGS. I will endeavor to keep things consistent in the classroom and continue to work to ease transitions. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you might have.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Apples and Pumpkins and Cider Doughnuts, Oh My!

This week has been busy with a trip with the Preschoolers to Green Mountain Orchards to take a hay ride and pick apples and the Kindergarten's performance of two poems -- one about pumpkins and one about bats.

Friday will be our day to share costumes. Students may bring them in to share, though I ask that they not wear them for the entire day, as it can be distracting. We will have a celebration with the Preschool at snack and a gathering with PreK, K, 1st and 2nd grades in the afternoon.

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Parent Letter 10/24/2010

Dear Kindergarten Parents:

The Kindergarten had a wonderful field trip to the Grafton Nature Museum to learn about bats. Thank you to Judy Wagenbach (Kemp's grandmother) and Madeline for driving. Your child might have shared with you that, upon our arrival, a state trooper was there. Sadly, the museum had been burglarized the night before, so there was some extra excitement at the start of our visit. The rest of our time was spent exploring the museum's permanent exhibits and then enjoying an informative session about bats.

This past week we spent quite a bit of time exploring two pumpkins we have in the classroom. We extracted the seeds from each pumpkin and students estimated how many seeds they thought were in each. Estimates ranged from 15 to 1,220. We then actually counted the seeds, dividing them into groups of ten. After counting the seeds by tens, it was determined that the curvy stemmed pumpkin had 470 seeds and the straight stemmed had 430 seeds. In addition, we estimated their weight and then weighed the pumpkins with and without seeds.

Students have been practicing their letters and drawing and writing in their journals. This is a time for them to explore invented spelling, as they begin to decode words by sounding them out. Students have been labeling their pictures and are beginning to write short sentences. Encouraging them to use invented spelling at home is a great way to reinforce these burgeoning skills.

On Tuesday, the Kindergarten and Preschool will travel to Green Mountain Orchard for our traditional hay ride and apple picking. All are welcome to join us. We will leave school on the bus at 10:30 and return in time for lunch at noon.

On Wednesday, the Kindergarten will perform two poems for All School Meeting at 2:15 p.m. in the theater space. Please join us if you can. One is about bats and one about pumpkins.

Finally, I want to officially let you know that Olivia is a big sister. Willa Jane Burns was born on October 14 and all are doing well. We hope to visit with Olivia this week via Skype to learn more about her new baby.

It was a pleasure to meet with you all on Thursday for conferences. This is a wonderful, curious and exciting group to work with. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Parent Letter

Greetings From Kindergarten!

It has been a busy week in the Kindergarten classroom -- learning letters, counting to 20 and beyond, making bat mobiles, writing bat books and journals, and making bags with our buddies for the Medieval Faire. We have have also been happy to have Olivia back for the week. We all missed her and were happy to hear about New York and her recent visit to a Red Sox game.

Next Wednesday I would like to take the class on a field trip to the Grafton Nature Museum for a presentation on bats. We will leave school around 9:30 and return by lunch. The presentation is about an hour long, and we will have time to explore the museum and have snack before our return. I have space for two car seats in my car so need transportation for three more children. Please let me know if you can join us and take some children. FYI, Ken and I will also be planning a trip to Green Mountain Orchards to pick apples in October. I'll let you know as soon as we have a date.

A reminder that, if possible, it would be helpful to have an extra pair of shoes or slippers that serve as inside shoes. This keeps mud out of the classroom where we spend so much time on the floor. I also want to let you know that, in addition to organic 2% milk, I now have organic soy milk available to the children each day.

Parent/Teacher conferences are Thursday, October 21. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's time in Kindergarten. There is no school on that day. You may sign up for a conference by calling or stopping in to see Tammy in the office. Long Fall weekend follows so there is no school on Friday, October 22.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Hope to see you all at the Medieval Faire this Saturday!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Parent Letter

Dear Kindergarten Parents:

It was a pleasure to see so many of you at Curriculum Night last Thursday. Thank you for taking the time to come in and learn more about all we are doing in Kindergarten.

This morning we began our week with a Skype visit to Olivia in New York. We were able to connect with her and Julie Burns for some of our morning meeting today, and it was wonderful for the children to talk, share what they are doing, and be in touch with Olivia. She told us that she is learning about the ocean and showed us a beautiful octopus collage she had made. We look forward to keeping in touch with Olivia until she returns in November.

Our work with the Fundations program began last week and yielded extensive word lists for the letters t, f and b. We practiced writing these as lower case letters, and we learned that a sentence is made up of several words and usually ends with a period. We put up our word wall for high frequency words and have added "is" and "we," two words we often see in our morning message. We have also continued our explorations with pattern blocks and counting to 20. Students counted to 100 using dinosaur and bear counters in groups of 10. We discussed the teens and how interesting it is that eleven and twelve are not "oneteen" and "twoteen."

Just a quick reminder to please send a raincoat with your child on days when it is drizzly or raining. Rain boots would also be great if you have them. If it is not pouring, we will try to go out for fresh air and exercise. We might even go for a puddle jump.

Here are a few important dates to remember:
  • The Library Book Faire begins on October 7th.
  • The Medieval Faire is Saturday, October 9th.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are October 21st from 8:30 - 4:30. There is no school.
  • Long Fall Weekend begins October 22nd.
I am trying to schedule a short field trip to visit Bob Burch, a local glass blower. The children recently saw a hand blown glass necklace I had and asked how the mushroom got in it. I thought it might be fun to go and see how glass is blown. Bob loves to do short demonstrations for children of this age. I'll keep you posted on possible dates.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Enjoy the beautiful foliage.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

American Dagger Moth Caterpillars Join K and Pre-K Classes

On Monday, Hannah brought in a mysterious caterpillar. It was yellow and fuzzy, with black eyelash-like spikes on its two ends. To our surprise, it immediately started to spin a cocoon. How wonderful to watch this process. The students were able to see the caterpillar as it made the cocoon thicker and thicker. When we came to school this morning, the caterpillar was encased in the web-like cocoon. We have identified it as an American Dagger Moth Caterpillar.

Today, when the Preschool was out on the playground, they found the same kind of caterpillar and brought it in on a stick to the tank where their Monarch chrysalis is waiting to emerge. Tomorrow we will try to find out how long it takes for the American Dagger Moth to emerge from its cocoon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Parent Letter

Greetings from the Kindergarten!

I hope you enjoyed this beautiful Fall weekend. It is the start of another busy week in Kindergarten and we are exploring and learning some new things.

Today we begin our work with the Fundations program. Students will be learning the sounds and the letter formation for the letters t, b and f this week. The program begins with lower case letters, as students need to be able to recognize these letters as they begin to explore reading. I will ask students if they would like to brainstorm with you at home to bring in a list of words that begin with these letters. This is an optional activity. The word lists can come in any time this week.

We have been learning about bats. Are they birds or mammals? Do they nurse their babies? Where do they live? What do they eat? How large is the largest bat and how small is the smallest? Why are some bats in danger of becoming extinct? What color are bats? Are they furry or feathery? Do they have fingers? The students have come up with lots of questions as we work together to explore these wonderful mammals.

Each morning during calendar, we continue to explore numbers in a variety of ways. Students are learning the seven days of the week, the twelve months of the year, the number of days in a month, sequential counting, patterns, and place value as we count the number of days in school. It is an important time for students to gain facility and comfort with numbers in a practical and fun way.

Tomorrow, the K - 6th grades will travel by bus to the Latchis Theater to see a puppet show of Rudyard Kipling's "Just So Stories." We will have an early lunch and leave for the theater at 11:15. We will return by 1:30.

This Thursday is Parent Information Night. The evening begins at 6:30, and childcare will be available. I hope you can make it. Of course, if you cannot, I am always available to answer questions about our program.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dear Kindergarten Parents:

Today is the start of our first full week of school. This week we will discuss our classroom rules, and the children will take part in deciding, with my guidance, which rules are most important. As part of this process we will discuss the sometimes abstract and profound ideas of care, respect and effort. Our games and group activities in the classroom this week will help us to apply the rules and find out why they are important.

This week we will begin a study of bats. Several children have expressed an interest in these wonderful creatures. We will learn about their habitat and habits, what makes them unique, and how they find and catch food.

The children have been working with numbers and letters during our daily calendar exercises at morning meeting as we count and learn the days of the week, track the number of days in school, and review our schedule, job chart and morning message. We will also begin our work with the Fundations program, which works on letter formation, phonological awareness and sound mastery.

We have been reading books together about starting Kindergarten, friendship, fall leaves, harvests and bats. Students have discussed and drawn pictures of their hopes and dreams for the year. Our first class book about what we grew in our home gardens is finished. Kindergarteners will also begin to make regular entries in journals in the coming weeks.

This Thursday, Ken, Leelee and I would like to have Pajama Day in the K and PreK classrooms. Children can wear their PJs and, if they like, a robe to school. We will use some of our blueberries to make pancakes and share some stories with the PreK.

I want to remind you that photo day is this Friday, September17th. Order forms will be coming home today in backpacks. Please complete the forms and return them to me on or before Friday.

It is not too early to be thinking about the Medieval Faire, which is coming up quickly. This great event is a fundraiser for the school and a wonderful community- building event. Sign up sheets are posted outside of the office with volunteer opportunities. The jobs range from running a ride on the day of the event, to cooking food to sell at the Marketplace and Tavern, to working in the Ticket Booth, to being a part of the set-up or clean-up crews. Please stop by and sign up to help if you can.

Thank you for sharing your children with me. I enjoy their curiosity, humor and kindness. As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Best regards,


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Kaplink, Kaplank, Kaplunk!

Blueberries for Kindergartners and Preschoolers -
Today the K and PreK classes took a trip to Green Mountain Orchards to pick blueberries. For some of the group it was their first time on the bus. We picked lots of berries to use at school making muffins, pancakes, and even blueberry pasta! We played hide and seek among the berry bushes and learned the favorite Halloween song "Old Roger." Tummies and baskets full of berries, we hopped back on the bus and were back at school in time for lunch! Thanks to all the parents who were able to join us. Look for details of another orchard trip in October when we will go to pick apples, have a hay ride, and sample some cider doughnuts.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Important Notes

  • Pizza is sold on Wednesdays for $2.00 a slice. Please send along money in your child's lunchbox if you'd like him/her to have pizza. This is a fundraiser for the eighth grade.
  • Thursday, weather permitting, we will go to Green Mountain Orchard to pick blueberries. You are all welcome to join us. We will ride the TGS bus and leave school at 10:00 a.m., returning at 12:00 in time for lunch.
  • Next week Ken and I will start providing organic milk for K and Pre-K students. I have cups for all the students here. Please let me know if you'd like your child to have milk so I can determine how much we need each week.

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 7, 2010

News From the Kindergarten

The first two days of school in the Kindergarten were full of new friends, new routines, and lots of curiosity. Students had a chance to explore materials in the classroom, tour the school, visit the school garden with the Pre-school and write a class book about their gardens at home. We read several favorite books including "Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten," by Joseph Slate, and "Blueberries for Sal," by Robert McCloskey. We also spent some time speculating about a giant bone skull in the classroom. Does it belong to a dinosaur? Why does it have a loose tooth? What are the big holes on the side of its head for? Is there paper inside the skull?

This week, we will continue to become familiar with the classroom and begin to work with numbers. We will play games that teach letter and number recognition, and we will spend time getting to know our schedule and morning routines.

There are several upcoming events that I want to tell you about. This Friday, September 10, is the all-school potluck supper. It's a great way to get to know other families in the school, and the food is always a cornucopia of summer garden harvests. It begins at 6:00 p.m. and takes place in the gym. Photo day for the Lower School is September 17, beginning at 9:00 a.m. An order form will be coming home soon with your child and needs to be returned before photo day. September 23 is Curriculum Night for K-4th grades and begins at 6:30 p.m. This a great way to learn about the things happening in your child's classroom, as well as meet the specials teachers.

I am really excited about the year ahead and look forward to working in partnership with you and your children throughout their Kindergarten year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. E-mail is the best way to reach me at

All best,

Monday, August 30, 2010

August 21, 2010

Dear Kindergarten Parents:

I hope that you have all had a relaxing summer full of good times, good books, and adventures with your children. It is hard to believe that the start of school is just two weeks away. I am looking forward to teaching your children as we launch The Grammar School’s 50th Anniversary in our new classroom.

There are a few items I want to bring to your attention. As many of you know, on Saturday, August 28th, there is an all-school workday from 9:00 – 12:00. This is a wonderful time for all of us to gather and undertake some projects in the classroom and around the school. After workday, the Kindergarten and Pre-school classes will get together for a pot-luck lunch. If you are able to make it, please bring a dish to share. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

It was a pleasure to have a chance to visit many of you over the summer, either at our gatherings at TGS or at home visits. On August 31st we have a chance to meet for parent/teacher conferences. Times are available from 8:30 – 4:30. Please contact Tammy in the office to schedule a time. If for some reason this time is not convenient, I am happy to schedule an alternative meeting.

In preparation for your child’s first day of school, Kindergarten cubbies are located in the hall outside of the Pre-school. This is where outdoor clothing and outdoor footwear should go. There are also smaller cubbies in the classroom where students can keep their lunchboxes, extra clothes, and items they might bring for sharing. I encourage you to bring inside shoes or slippers for your child and a change of clothes, which can be left in a bag in the classroom.

We do not have a microwave or refrigerator in the Kindergarten. Students can bring non-microwaveable lunches with cold packs or lunches in thermoses to keep them hot or cold.

Last, but not least, I encourage you to be as involved as you wish in our classroom. If you have a talent you would like to share or you would enjoy coming in and reading to the students at lunch, please let me know. I look forward to our collaborating in your child’s educational journey.

Best regards,

Libby McCawley*

*I am in the process of transitioning back to my maiden name, which is McCawley.