Greetings From Kindergarten!
It has been a busy week in the Kindergarten classroom -- learning letters, counting to 20 and beyond, making bat mobiles, writing bat books and journals, and making bags with our buddies for the Medieval Faire. We have have also been happy to have Olivia back for the week. We all missed her and were happy to hear about New York and her recent visit to a Red Sox game.
Next Wednesday I would like to take the class on a field trip to the Grafton Nature Museum for a presentation on bats. We will leave school around 9:30 and return by lunch. The presentation is about an hour long, and we will have time to explore the museum and have snack before our return. I have space for two car seats in my car so need transportation for three more children. Please let me know if you can join us and take some children. FYI, Ken and I will also be planning a trip to Green Mountain Orchards to pick apples in October. I'll let you know as soon as we have a date.
A reminder that, if possible, it would be helpful to have an extra pair of shoes or slippers that serve as inside shoes. This keeps mud out of the classroom where we spend so much time on the floor. I also want to let you know that, in addition to organic 2% milk, I now have organic soy milk available to the children each day.
Parent/Teacher conferences are Thursday, October 21. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's time in Kindergarten. There is no school on that day. You may sign up for a conference by calling or stopping in to see Tammy in the office. Long Fall weekend follows so there is no school on Friday, October 22.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Hope to see you all at the Medieval Faire this Saturday!