Dear Kindergarten Parents:
Today is the start of our first full week of school. This week we will discuss our classroom rules, and the children will take part in deciding, with my guidance, which rules are most important. As part of this process we will discuss the sometimes abstract and profound ideas of care, respect and effort. Our games and group activities in the classroom this week will help us to apply the rules and find out why they are important.
This week we will begin a study of bats. Several children have expressed an interest in these wonderful creatures. We will learn about their habitat and habits, what makes them unique, and how they find and catch food.
The children have been working with numbers and letters during our daily calendar exercises at morning meeting as we count and learn the days of the week, track the number of days in school, and review our schedule, job chart and morning message. We will also begin our work with the Fundations program, which works on letter formation, phonological awareness and sound mastery.
We have been reading books together about starting Kindergarten, friendship, fall leaves, harvests and bats. Students have discussed and drawn pictures of their hopes and dreams for the year. Our first class book about what we grew in our home gardens is finished. Kindergarteners will also begin to make regular entries in journals in the coming weeks.
This Thursday, Ken, Leelee and I would like to have Pajama Day in the K and PreK classrooms. Children can wear their PJs and, if they like, a robe to school. We will use some of our blueberries to make pancakes and share some stories with the PreK.
I want to remind you that photo day is this Friday, September17th. Order forms will be coming home today in backpacks. Please complete the forms and return them to me on or before Friday.
It is not too early to be thinking about the Medieval Faire, which is coming up quickly. This great event is a fundraiser for the school and a wonderful community- building event. Sign up sheets are posted outside of the office with volunteer opportunities. The jobs range from running a ride on the day of the event, to cooking food to sell at the Marketplace and Tavern, to working in the Ticket Booth, to being a part of the set-up or clean-up crews. Please stop by and sign up to help if you can.
Thank you for sharing your children with me. I enjoy their curiosity, humor and kindness. As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Best regards,