Greetings from the Kindergarten!
I hope you enjoyed this beautiful Fall weekend. It is the start of another busy week in Kindergarten and we are exploring and learning some new things.
Today we begin our work with the Fundations program. Students will be learning the sounds and the letter formation for the letters t, b and f this week. The program begins with lower case letters, as students need to be able to recognize these letters as they begin to explore reading. I will ask students if they would like to brainstorm with you at home to bring in a list of words that begin with these letters. This is an optional activity. The word lists can come in any time this week.
We have been learning about bats. Are they birds or mammals? Do they nurse their babies? Where do they live? What do they eat? How large is the largest bat and how small is the smallest? Why are some bats in danger of becoming extinct? What color are bats? Are they furry or feathery? Do they have fingers? The students have come up with lots of questions as we work together to explore these wonderful mammals.
Each morning during calendar, we continue to explore numbers in a variety of ways. Students are learning the seven days of the week, the twelve months of the year, the number of days in a month, sequential counting, patterns, and place value as we count the number of days in school. It is an important time for students to gain facility and comfort with numbers in a practical and fun way.
Tomorrow, the K - 6th grades will travel by bus to the Latchis Theater to see a puppet show of Rudyard Kipling's "Just So Stories." We will have an early lunch and leave for the theater at 11:15. We will return by 1:30.
This Thursday is Parent Information Night. The evening begins at 6:30, and childcare will be available. I hope you can make it. Of course, if you cannot, I am always available to answer questions about our program.