Parent Letter
Greetings from the Kindergarten!
As I write, the frigid temperatures have kept us inside today. It has been a busy day. Thanks to all of you our indoor time has been filled with the excitement of sharing about our family artifacts. I appreciate the time each of you took to find these items and to help your kindergarten student to learn the stories that each one tells. Students danced to Ibby's Great Dad's classical oboe sonatas, listened attentively to Olivia's Dadda's childhood book, Anatole; learned about the Liberty Bell after seeing Kemp's dad's bicentennial coin, learned about the tse tse fly while looking at Tea's grandfather's (morfar's) African statue, commented on the beauty of Phoebe's Great Grammie's cut crystal bowl, and enjoyed hearing Hannah's story about her Great Nana Maxine's stuffed bear, Henry.
We have created a special table in the classroom to display our items and will do an art and writing project with them later in the week. If for some reason you would prefer to have these items back soon, please let me know and I will photograph them and send them home. Otherwise, I'd like to keep them until Thursday.
A reminder that there is no school on Friday and conferences run from 11 - 7. If you have not already signed up for a conference, please do so at your earliest convenience with Tammy.
On another note, I'd like to suggest that you label any clothes that are coming to school. We have had some confusion, particularly with snow pants and boots that look alike. Names would help me keep things sorted. Thanks in advance for any help with this.
As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Best regards,