Greetings from the Kindergarten!
Thanks to all of you for attending conferences on Friday. I appreciate your time, questions and input regarding our work in the Kindergarten and your children. As always, I am available any time if you need to check in or have questions.
As you probably know from the Wednesday Notice, this coming Thursday is the Library's 50th birthday. We will have a school-wide celebration on that day with games and cupcakes. If you would like to give a book from your family, please refer to the wish list sent home several weeks ago for ideas. Among the games at the event will be the Kindergarten class acting out nursery rhymes for the rest of the school to guess.
On February 14, our class will celebrate Valentine's Day by exchanging cards in our classroom and then joining the Pre-school for a small celebration with poems, songs, activities and a treat. Please have your child bring in a Valentine for each Kindergartner. I ask that candy not be a part of the card giving. Here is a list of the students: Kemp, Ibby, Hannah, Olivia, Tea, Phoebe. Please contact me if you have any questions.
We have been doing lots of estimating and measuring in class over the last week. Students estimated their own heights and then measured themselves to see how close their estimates were. Then they made "life-size" snowmen using their actual height measurements. Today they will estimate and then measure Steve's height. We will make a "Steve-man" and then figure out how many Kindergartners equal a Steve.
In thirteen school days we will celebrate the 100th day of school. Watch the family notes for details of our celebration. Students will have a small home project to bring in for sharing on that day.
Enjoy this beautiful, crisp day!